Monday, April 11, 2005


brunch was hot. although we missed melissa. actually, the whole day was awesome. after brunch, monica, joanie & i went to the gardens, met up with silvia and sat around ... joanie and i took a leisurely stroll to the beacon hill 7-11 for some vitamin water ... and it was so beautiful out, 70 degrees and sunny, yesss ... then we went to parish cafe and had martinis, so good! the key lime martini was amazing. unfortunately joanie had to go back to harvard for a blocking group dinner ... after parish, monica, silvia & i went shopping on newbury, i bought a couple shirts and some flip flops at fcuk. they had to go home around 7; i met up with some people from work. we went to amanda's place in the pru where we played xbox, psp, chatted, listened to dance music, enjoyed her massage chair and ordered chinese delivery. it was so good. then i went home and im'd with bill for like an hour.

yes, it was a great day