Monday, July 12, 2004

indian telecom

first post from india. i'll have more, frequent posts with pics once i can connect to the internet from my flat again.

for now, i'm at work. internet access at my guesthouse flat stopped working a couple of days after i arrived, so this is the only place i can get online.

to restore net access at the flat, i have to deal with a chauvinist tool named sridhar who handles networking at the guesthouse. he disregards every request my (female) program director makes -- so i have to deal with the incompetent boob myself, and berate him until he gets his act together.

of course, i can't do this because i am unable to connect to his phone. due to the very limited number of connections from the land-line network to mobiles, they are all busy, almost all the time. indian telecommunications: i redial sridhar dozens of times, and each time am refused a connection to the cell phone network. :-)


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